Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mary - Day 10

My 2 roommates are fast asleep and I am still 'playing' with technology and trying to get some pictures up for you folks at home. Today was another busy day and we were successful in moving down to the 2nd floor where there are another 6 classrooms. I am just so happy to be painting in the classrooms. I won't talk about the colour tonight! Kit is our expert 'cutter' and she just inches her way along often humming all '132' verses of Just As I Am!

Today at lunch I sat next to Ratanak, the youth leader. During lunch he pulled out his phone and showed me various pictures and video footage that he has taken of pedifiles who frequent Svay Pak. He will often approach them and ask what they want and why they are just hanging around at 9 p.m. in the evening. It is not uncommon for parents to sell their child for the evening and then take the child into Phnom Penh to an agreed upon hotel. Unfortunately this is the reality of Svay Pak. Praise God for the role model that the youth have in Ratanak. Please pray for his continued courage in protecting all of the children in this community.

Off to bed as 5:50 a.m. is fast approaching.

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