Karol Boschung - March 23
Today was another solid day of work, with not too much to report. George and I worked on the roof, and by just after lunch we'd finished it - from first primer to second topcoat! We worked as fast as we could, because it was swelteringly hot up there. Unlike the the rest of the Sanctuary, we were working while exposed to direct sunlight, which really took its toll in terms of sweating and being generally uncomfortable. We were happy to finish that, let me tell you!
Afterwards, we headed down to the fifth floor and found that there was a documentary crew setting up on the balcony! They were from Worldwide Documentaries, apparently the makers of several critically lauded documentaries, including A Closer Walk, a documetary about the worldwide AIDS epidemic. They were in the process of filming a documentary about the global phenomenon of human trafficking called Not My Life (apparently due out in October), and Svay Pak, as one of the global hotspots of the child sex trade, was a stop on their itinerary. I found out later, upon doing some research, that I'd met an Oscar nominee and several Emmy winners (some of whom have, individually, won several Emmys!). Go figure - a normal day in Svay Pak?
About 5 of us sat and watched as they filmed - it was very interesting to see all the equipment they had! They interviewed a man from International Justice Mission who was the country head for Cambodia. He spoke about the problem in Svay Pak with young girls, and brought home for me again the severity of the problem and how difficult it is to oppose it. This also reinforced the wonderful work being done in Rahab's House, the Lord's Gym, and soon the Sanctuary, as well as the work by Ratanak Foundation, AIM4Asia, Hagar, NewSong, and all the other wonderful organizations serving the Lord here in Cambodia. Please pray for:
- Pastor Chantah and Bunta. If you've read the other blog posts you've read that they have taken in a new daughter from the village, who also needs your prayers. If you haven't read the other blog posts, you should!
- Pastor Ratanak
- Don and Bridget Brewster, who have shown tremendous courage moving in to Svay Pak to minister there
- IJM, who have much work to do, and all of it is hard
- Ratanak Foundation
- AIM4Asia
- NewSong
- Hagar
- The children who are abused every night
- Those who abuse them
- Their parents and families
- The traffickers
- The children who have been rescued - they need rehabilitation that can only come from God
That's a long list, but they all need it! There is much work to be done, and the problem may seem intractable, but nothing is impossible with God!
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