Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tara's Prayer Letter

This summer I will have the rare privilege of going with a servant’s heart theme to a nation that is near to God’s heart, for He has bared His holy arm before the eyes of all nations and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. We will be working at a place called “Daughters Cambodia” which is located in a notorious district known as “Stung Meanchey”. We will be having daily prayer ministry, and providing workshops and skills–training for women, of various ages who are either working in the sex trade or are in the process of trying to leave the industry. The skills-training and workshops will include the following: budgeting, nutrition, anatomy, drug-addiction, domestic violence, healing dance, hair-cutting, choosing a mate, spiritual warfare, healing prayer ministry, and member care.

Prayer Requests
That we will see that beloved nation through the eyes of Jesus and minister His grace through the language of love through His needy broken-hearted people.
Our hearts be changed, our minds transformed to intercede for His people by His Spirit.
Love and unity among team members as we “consider each other better than ourselves”.
For God’s favor on our families and prayer partners as we go.
That God‘s purpose be fulfilled and that all glory will go to Him.

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