Yesterday our team met at the home of Pastor Kathy K who has been a dear sister and mentor to me for the last year. God has gifted her and another friend Lisa B with prophetic and prayer ministry gifts. We were exhorted in 3 ways:

1) To receive the honor that God has bestowed upon each of us;
2) To keep short accounts and walk in purity (2 Tim 2:21) and
3) To walk in humility---for humility comes before honor
3) To walk in humility---for humility comes before honor

In all of this we were reminded to be the eyes of love to those who are hurting. To look at people with the gaze of love that Jesus had. After this brief message, we went into a time of washing each other's feet and then Kathy and Lisa B prayed over each of us giving each team member a word of encouragement.
wow. praise God. sounds & looks like a really annointed time. I love point 3.