Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lisa: Praying for the Girls At Daughters

This week we are repeating the workshops we did last week to a second group of girls at Daughters. Today's session was on Domestic Violence with my team mates Marty and Joy sharing from their own personal experiences. This workshop seems to resonate so much with the girls who come. They listen intently and when asked if they would like prayer, they all came up and we formed small groups with our translators nearby. I felt so blessed today as I had the privilege of praying for a few of the girls. I am struck by their heart of love despite all the bruises and wounds they have received. Many of them ask prayer for a family member. Given all that they have gone through it would be totally understandable for them to ask prayer for their own needs but like many Asian cultures, the extended family is important to Cambodians.

One girl in particular had her head down when I asked her what she would like to receive prayer for. She could barely look up and as I caught a glimpse of her face, she told me that her husband beat her all the time. To me she was the eptiome of what Jesus called a 'downcast' spirit. Her body language and her face reflected the pain of abuse, the loss of dignity and the brokenness of her heart. Her spirit no doubt was crushed from the abuse she had endured. As I was about to pray for her I asked her what her name was and told her to look into my eyes. I began to tell her that Jesus loves Her. That in His eyes she is beautiful and that He knows her pain, He hears the cries of her heart. He is not a God who is distant but who cares what happens to her and He will rescue her. She matters to Him despite what others think. As I shared this with her, she began to cry but I continued to look into her eyes, I wanted her to know that she is loved and valued as a human being. That God can still make something beautiful out of her brokenness. That her pain and suffering had not gone unnoticed. That even though she feels hopeless and helpless, this is not the way it has to be.

I feel so honored that she would share her heart so openly with me but I thank God for His Spirit that allowed our team to stand with these precious women and to say to them that we are their sisters and we share their pain. That we will walk with them just as Jesus walks with us. I am realizing more that the way satan keeps people in bondage is making them feel full of shame. Yet it is when we speak out and share our hurts that God's power is made perfect in weakness. For no longer does that pain have a hold on us but we can lay it down at the foot of the cross and trust that in Christ and with Christ, He will lift us out of the miry pit of shame and set our feet on firm places.


  1. Lisa, in your eyes she saw Jesus whose love does not waver. May that love she glimpsed go ever deeper and wider into her spirit until she is overwhelmed with His love for her.
    What a tremendous blessing to follow this journey with the Cambodia team.
    May God do a miraculous work in rescuing these hearts prepared from the pits of despair.

  2. You are right, Lisa, Satan uses shame to shackle us, and secrecy prevents the key being turned to unloose the shackles. When we face and speak the shame, the way is cleared for our freedom. Jesus is the Lord of shame and triumphed over shame publicly on the cross.

    [We fix] our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 1:2)

  3. This comes to my mind when I read your post, Lisa. "The Rest of God" by Mark B :

    "Her past was beyond repair, if there was any good thing there to salvage I knew not now. But God showed me she had her future. And it was vast, unbroken, pristine, radiant.

    It was pure promise: a Glory that would be revealed in her, a Glory that outweighed her present troubles, the Glory of the One who was coming to redeem her and transform her.

    Her past was a tragedy to lament, but her future was an epic to anticipate, which is simply to say:

    What will happen matters more than what has happened.

    “hers” – her smile, her face, her teeth, her eyes, her nose, her posture, her fingers and hers of so many others – never leave my heart!

    Revelation 1:3-6 as I read and pray:

    “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophesy, and blessed are those who hear it, and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.”
    “To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve His God and Father – to him be glory and power forever and ever.

    You and the team are chosen by our God and Father, that He has freed us from our sins by His blood and has made us to be a kingdom and priests. The calling is here. The tasks are clear. The invitation of asking all of us to take heart of His words is received and now sprawling into your heart, to take root and to grow into a motion of action. That's what you all do and that the hands of the Maker of the Universe are upon you!

    I pray that all these in the name of Jesus, Amen!

  4. Wow, Jessika, what awesome words!
