Wednesday, July 15, 2009

In Transit To Cambodia

The Team at Pearson International Airport

The time is come and we are on our way. We are now in transit at Hong Kong International Airport after a 15 hour flight from Toronto. It was an uneventful flight except for the fact that 3 of our teammates got upgraded to business class. Char, one of our co-leaders has had the privilege of being upgraded last year on both legs of our flight to and from Hong Kong with Cathay Paciic. So it was not a surprise to find out that she got upgraded again----do I sound jealous----maybe! ;-) just kidding! God has a wonderful way of blessing in unexpected ways. Here is a picture of Char in business class ---oh mission work!!!

Char - Enjoying her business class experience again!!!!


  1. Praise God for your safe arrival so far. You all look amazingly rested for such an early start. Great picture for your FB profile, Char!

    Love and blessings,
    Linda Ruth

  2. oh that is so amazing! yay for upgrades!!!!!
    "my presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest" :)
