Friday, July 24, 2009

It was all in a week.

It's the end of Week One, well almost. Tomorrow is Saturday. We will visit the Royal Palace and the National Museum. In the afternoon we will visit Marie Ens and Place of Rescue. Then the week will be over!

It’s All In a Day’s Work

Our week began last Sunday with a visit to Rahab House in Svay Pak for a Communion Service. Each morning we met for a time of worship and a devotional from 8:00 – 9:00 led by one of the team members. These were times marked by words of knowledge and prophetic blessings. Each evening we met for debriefing 7:00 – 8:S00. The time in between was very interesting. We travelled to and from Daughters Cambodia by van (driven by Pooh). From 10:00 until noon there was an intercession and worship time. (It makes me shiver with fear to think how our day would turn out without the two hours of intercessory prayer or the prayers of the folk back home.) The afternoons were broken into workshops – two from 2:00 – 3:00 and two from 3:30 – 4:30.

Little Baby Bayana

Tara, Marty and Nancy prayed for a newborn left at Daughters on Tuesday morning. The child was born with significant medical needs and it was recommended that she be abandoned to die. In the afternoon she was taking nourishment and wide eyed. On Wednesday she was taken by Place of Rescue. Arrangements were made for a full medical assessment. There are several significant treatment options being investigated.

Domestic Violence

On Wednesday all sixteen girls who attended the workshop on domestic violence responded to the offer of healing prayer ministry. Nancy was privileged to lead Light (not her real name) through a prayer for salvation via one of our wonderful translators. We saw her again at the church service on Friday with a marked change in demeanour. This marks a new life for her and her unborn child, along with a serious need for discipleship. Light is one of the clients in the care of Daughters ministry.

An Affirmation and a Sermon

On Tuesday, Geni led our morning devotional entitled A Name You Can Trust. Being a teacher she have us homework. We were to choose one of the team and ask God for a bible name for that person. Prem drew my name. God gave him the name Timothy (aka T2 – let the reader beware) for me. Prem gave me the following:

“Timothy. The goal of your instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. Preach the word, be ready in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with great patience and instruction.”

This proved to be a great encouragement as I worked through the remainder of the week and especially the preparation of the Friday sermon. While still in Toronto I prepared a 10 minute sermon (20 minutes with interpreter) on the topic of hearing God to be delivered to the girls and care givers as Daughters. As with all things Cambodian things shifted - the topic was changed to the authority of the believer. (As Nancy is fond of saying, we need to be prepared to preach, pray or die at a moments notice.) I needed to listen to God. What had he taught me in the past? I began sketching out a few thoughts but I didn’t feel comfortable with what was coming together. It was too complicated for my hearers. I prayed. Then on Thursday morning a picture began to form in my mind. Tell a story about Jesus and his disciples. Tell the story about the commissioning of the Twelve. I headed off to the ninth chapter of Luke. There it was in a nutshell. We are partners with Jesus in Kingdom work. He calls us to join him. He empowers us to do the work. He sends us out with all that we need. And so the Friday sermon was finished

About 60 people, girls and helpers, met for the church service on Friday afternoon. Charlene accompanied the singing with guitar. Some of the girls sang along in English others in Khmer (or Khmai, as it is pronounced in the language.) Then I delivered the sermon with Kolab as my translator. The girls were attentive (not simply polite.) After the sermon and closing prayer, anyone wanting prayer related to spiritual bondage or healing was invited to meet with Ruth (Director of Daughters) and Nancy. About 10 girls responded. Under Ruth’s authority, Nancy led in prayers for spiritual freedom and blessings opposite to the issue of bondage, and for Jesus to come to them in His own way to bring healing to the emotional wounds in their lives. At the end of the prayer time, Ruth asked what they were experiencing, how they felt now. They unanimously affirmed they felt peaceful. They are well acquainted with the torment of spirits to which they refer as “the ghosts” that come to them. Two of the girls rushed up to Nancy at the end, giving her a strong hug of appreciation. God had definitely met with them in a significant way. A foundation was laid in their lives upon which Ruth can continue to build through her shepherding care. God demonstrated Himself to be mighty, powerful, tender and totally loving. There are many girls coming to Daughters who still need to come to Christ.

Member Care

Friday afternoon closed with a member care workshop given by Nancy. It was designed as an equipping workshop for spiritual warfare for the staff and care givers as requested by Ruth. The topic was “What is Spiritual Warfare and How Do We Protect Ourselves?” – once again taught with the assistance of Kolab, who though tired from the previous session, definitely did not want to relinquish the opportunity. There were 18-20 in attendance – both men and women. Several expressions of appreciation were received, so we trust God will fortify them, equip them and give them daily victory in Christ.


  1. Dear Peter,

    I don't know you personally but I was struck, as I read through your post and then prayed through the two letters to Timothy, by these words, which I believe are from God's heart to you:

    - my true son in the faith;
    - my dear son;
    - a good minister of Christ Jesus, brought up in the truths of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed;
    - a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth;
    - an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity;
    - strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus;
    - man of God, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

    I was also struck that Paul singles out by name *slave traders* in his list in 1 Tim. 1:9-10 of "lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious" - somehow I have never seen this before!

    May the Lord continue to bless you as you labour in His name for His purposes and on behalf of His cherished little ones.

    Linda Ruth

  2. Thanks Linda Ruth. I receive it as God's heart.
