Tuesday, August 9, 2011

An Offering of Faith!

This evening I had the privilege of spending time with 27 youth from Rockport Alliance church from Calgary, who had been in Cambodia for the past 10 days serving at Place of Rescue. They are heading home tomorrow but Blaine Sylvester, the son-in-law of Marie Ens who is leading the team asked if I would come and share a bit more about my personal testimony on how I ended up leaving the corporate world to come to Cambodia. For me it was refreshing and encouraging to see so many youth who are committed to God's purposes that they were willing to train for 8 months and raise their own financial support to come on this trip. You can read more about their experiences from their blog. At the end of my brief sharing they laid hands over me and Blaine presented me with a generous donation on behalf of the team to use where most needed. What came to my mind at that very moment was to use these funds for 'S' who was highlighted in a recent prayer item that Brian McConaghy posted on our Ratanak facebook page this past Sunday:

(This is not a race it is a marathon - persevere, never loose hope, keep praying and do not loose sight of the goal God has set before you.)

OK so back in 2003/4 there were seven little girls in Cambodia assaulted by a pedophile. Ratanak, with over the 15 years experience in Cambodia at that time, was well positioned to help. I was assigned to that Canadian police
 investigation team. That was my first Cambodian child exploitation file - it completely changed my life.

Of the original seven victims, one was never properly identified. The remaining six were identified – five of those are safe in rehabilitation and have become wonderful young women that I have the privilege of knowing today. But one was never rescued. She was and is a very special kid to me. Her photo has been in my wallet since 2004 and she is prayed for daily. She has been longed for and prayed for by thousands over the years. For a long time we did not know if she was dead or alive but since December 2008 we have had some fleeting and sporadic information about her existence.

As of THIS MORNING (!) we have very good indicators re her location. I cannot tell you more but attempts will be made to make contact very soon. Pray for “S” that she will be open towards those who really love her. This will be a real stretch for after 9+ years of abuse her heart is heard and she trusts no one. This has been a Long Long journey. I cannot possibly describe how excited I am for the hope of being perhaps of some help to the “Lost One”. I have always said that the original investigation will not be concluded until “S” is safe. Pray this would be so!

The donation given by the youth at Rockpointe is an offering of faith! It seemed so fitting that the funds they raised would go to 'S'---a youth who is of similar age to many of these who are part of this team. They are joining with many in prayer for 'S' and so we look to the Lord to do the impossible---to bring home this long lost daughter. We believe that He can absolutely do this. We believe that nothing is too hard for Him to do and so we rest in His faithfulness that He is actively pursuing this one lost sheep to bring her into His fold. Will you join us in praying her home!

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