Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Computer Guy!

Visol - My Computer Guy!

Two years ago I began a 'thank you' journal during a season of wilderness. I was determined not to be like the Israelites who grumbled and complained during their wilderness experience and so during that desert time, I began to ask the Lord to show me one thing each day that I could be thankful for. Some times it could be just seeing the beauty of His creation, other times it was an answer to prayer, other times it was an encouraging word or scripture that I receive from a friend, some times it was a visit from a friend or a random act of kindness I see or hear about. Other times, it is just the joy of experiencing God's presence or seeing His faithfulness. One of the benefits of a 'thank you' journal is that it serves to keep me looking up and focusing on Him despite the visible reality. It serves to cultivate an attitude of gratitude to the Lord on an ongoing basis and to limit any form of discontentment. But more than anything, it serves to remind me that God is always at work in our lives. When our spiritual eyes are constantly open and alert to His promptings, it has the ability to enlarge one's faith and trust in Him at a whole new level.

So tonight I know what I will be thanking the Lord for in my thank you journal---it is thanking Him for Visol who will now officially be our computer consultant and hardware specialist. I was referred to Visol from our friends at the Chab Dai Coalition as I was looking to buy a printer for the Ratanak office. Well it turned out that Visol was trained for 5 years at Yejj. Yejj is run by Helen Sworn's (Chab Dai's Founding Director) husband Trevor. Visol still partners with Yejj but now runs his own computer business and is available 24/7 for any technical problems. So as I am looking to set up our computer network for our Ratanak office, Visol is an answer to prayer. He not only speaks great English, but he certainly knows how to get the best and cheapest prices on HP laser printers. Today he fixed one of my laptops which was having problems connecting to the internet and next week he will be back again to set up a wireless router and server so that we can operate in a wireless and wi-fi type environment. Now this may not seem too difficult or too complicated for any of you computer folks, but here in Cambodia finding qualified people who are skilled and know what they are doing and can get us the computer hardware we need and set it up for a reasonable price, is not always easy. But I am thankful to the Lord.  Slowly but surely, He is leading me step by step and connecting me with people who can be part of our work here to help us get set up. 

Truly the Lord who has called us is faithful and He will do it (1 Thess 5:24). He indeed continues to show me step by step that His hand is upon every detail of what we are doing on this end. Next up is trying to find a financial person who can help me manage the finances on this end and of course I'm still looking for my apartment. But I take heart in knowing that in His perfect timing, He will provide. He simply calls us to rest in His faithfulness as we wait upon Him to provide the right people for Ratanak and of course the 'perfect home' for me! Thank You Jesus for being the One who supplies all our needs according to your glorious riches! (Philippians 4:19)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing your daily journey, and how God has been working in you and through you. While all that you share is powerful and inspiring, this particular post has prompted me to start a Thankfulness journal, in hopes that it will turn my toward gratitude.
