Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Enroute to Cambodia - The Quest Has Begun!

The quest has began! My journey from Toronto to Cambodia has a short pit stop in Seoul, Korea as I await my next flight. The quest began 12 hours ahead of schedule as I read my travel itinerary wrong so instead of leaving at midnight on August 2 (technically the morning of August 3), it turned out that my flight was departing at 12 noon on August 2nd. Anyway, we arrived in Incheon airport an hour later than expected as a result of some strong headwinds. The flight itself was quite restful as I slept 8 of the 13 was a good way to decompress and it was the first time that I can recall being in a cabin of people where there was such silence for an extended period of time. I feel like I was on a mini silent retreat but very good for the soul and am thankful to the Lord for giving me this much needed time to rest and literally be still. As my mentor said before I left Toronto, I need to tender to my soul through my heart and not my head. Something that I have been thinking about as I enter into a ministry that is quite challenging.

Now as I sit here at gate 11 waiting for the departure to Canbodia in just under 2 hours, I am listening to a Khmer conversation. Its always interesting how total strangers can strike up a conversation and that is exactly what is happening between these young Khmer students and an older couple. Maybe one day when I am proficient enough I can join in on such conversations but for now, I am picking up a word here and there.But  I'm just enjoying evaesdropping with a grin on my face and appreciating once again the stillness that seems to be surrounding me, not just in this external setting but also internally. God really does give such a deep peace in the midst of all the changes and transitions. As an old hymn says, 'it is well with my soul, it is well.'

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