Saturday, July 31, 2010

in Transit again!

Just wanted to post some photos --- I got a surprise when the students from Svay Pak came to the airport to say goodbye....more tears but good tears! They began to sing and worship the Lord. How good it is when brothers and sisters dwell in unity, it is like dew flowing from Aaron's beard, and where there is unity the Lord commands a blessing! (psalm 133-- I think)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lisa,

    I had to laugh - in the midst of a surprise, deep emotion and the discombobulation of travel, your grasp of Scripture is, as always, unassailable! Psalm 133 indeed!

    Reading your post, I had an image of you as a bridge, in unity with the Cambodian brothers and sisters AND in unity with your Canadian brothers and sisters, and bringing us all into that good and pleasant unity, precious as anointing oil, refreshing as the dew, upon which the Lord bestows not only a blessing but life forevermore.

    Much love and many blessings,
    Linda Ruth
