He is the I AM for our needs (by: Sylvia Gunter)
He is Abba Father when we need fathering.
He is acceptance when we feel unwanted.
He is adequacy for our inadequacy.
He is all-sufficient in our hardest situations.
He is the Amen, the true witness when we are tempted to lie.
He is the Answer for our uncertainty and questions.
He is the Author of faith for our unbelief or doubt.
He is the Bread of life for our spiritual hunger.
He is the Bright Morning Star for the darkness in the valley of the shadow.
He is broken and spilled out for us when we’ve been used.
He is the Burden-bearer when we are heavy laden.
He is before all things when we’re surprised.
He is cleansing for our defilement and shame.
He is closer than a brother when we are lonely.
He is our Comforter who wipes away tears in our grief’s and sorrows.
He is our Defender when we are under attack.
He is our Deliverer from our bondage or captivity.
He is our Door-opener when it looks like there’s no way out.
He is our Sure Foundation, our solid rock when we’re shaking and insecure.
He is our Faithful Friend when friends fail us.
He is Fullness when we’re empty.
He is the God of details when we’re frustrated.
He is the God of love when we feel unloved and need a hug.
He is the God who is there when we feel alone or abandoned.
He is our Guide and the Way when we’re confused and need direction.
He is grace when we’re too hard on ourselves or others.
He is our Healer for woundedness, rejection, and sickness.
He is Hope when we despair, are discouraged, and want to quit.
He is Humility for our pride.
He is Joy when we are depressed.
He is our Keeper and Protector when we are vulnerable.
He is the Lifter of our heads when we feel oppressed and weighed down.
He is long-suffering, slow to anger when we have blown it again.
He is Mercy for criticism and unkindness.
He is Mighty God, our strength for our weakness or temptation.
He is Never-failing, the same when we are fickle and faithless.
He is Overcoming victory for defeat and depression.
He is the Plumb Line to stand against the world’s situational ethics.
He is the Prince of peace when we are stressed, worried, and confused.
He is the Provider for every financial need.
He is the Quieter of the storm for afflictions without and struggles within.
He is Reconciliation for breaches in relationships.
He is Rest when we’re tired and can’t go on.
He is the Restorer of our souls when we’re bruised and beaten down.
He is the Reviver, living water when we are depleted, barren, thirsty.
He is Satisfaction when we’ve tried everything and come up empty.
He is the Song, our praise when we’re joyless and heavy of heart.
He is the Spirit of the Lord when we need to be set free.
He is our Strength when we’re weak.
He is Trinity unity for mending separation.
He is Truth when we’ve been lied to.
He is True Riches when we’re tempted to covet the world’s wealth.
He is Vengeance when we are angry and wronged.
He is Wisdom for our hard choices.
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