Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Lazy Day!

Today is one of the few days I had to myself for the most part as with only one week left before I leave I spent the morning doing a bit of shopping at the Tuol Tompong market. I managed to finish all my purchases in just under two hours then headed back home to meet up with one of my missionary friend's Cathy who works with World Hope International---another NGO here that is the first stop for girls who are rescued directly from the brothels. Cathy and I headed over to Bloom Cafe to pick up a birthday cake for the youth pastor Ratanak who is turning 26 tomorrow.
Bloom Cafe

The cake is the 'flourescent green' one on the right hand side of the display. We are planning a surprise birthday celebration for him but with his sister's operation today there is a possibility that we may have to tell him about the surprise as he is thinking of skipping out on the lunch that we are having for him.
Sampling cup cakes from Bloom Cafe

We were only planning to stay a short time at Bloom but gave into our temptations to indulge in some of the mini cupcakes they sell at Bloom. I think I added a few pounds from that pitstop!

We then headed off to Svay Pak to drop the cake off. Cathy wanted to meet Pastor Chantha as she is hoping to bring a couple of short termers from Canada to visit Svay Pak next month. When we got there Pastor Chantha, his students and cell group leaders were having their weekly meeting where they each take turns sharing about some of the challenges within their small group. The meeting lasted about 2 hours and then they spend time praying over the issues.

Shortly after that meeting had ended another meeting was beginning with a group of young teenage girls who come to The Sanctuary every Saturday afternoon. They were attending a youth group meeting led by Dary (Ratanak's girlfriend). There is about 15 to 30 girls from the neighborhood who attend where they gather together for a worship time and then study the word of God. It is so encouraging to see how Pastor Chantha's students who have only been believers for barely one year are now investing and mentoring another group of youth slightly younger than themselves. This is the future generation of Svay Pak--- the ones that God is setting apart as His children. Pray for these young girls who are growing up in this environment that as the seeds of truth are planted in their hearts on a weekly basis that the word of God would fall on good soil, that God would water those seeds and He will raise up a whole new generation of girls in this community who will come to know Him as their Lord and Savior and who will discover their true value and worth in Him.


  1. Lisa I love your blogs! Thank you so much for investing so much thought and time into them because you bring Svay Pak and all the people to life. It is a great encouragement to read what the Lord is doing there and its fun to look at the pictures too. I can't wait to get back there. Blessings on you Lisa. "...a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." Proverbs 31:31

  2. Thanks Beth for being such an encourager! Wish we could both be here at the same time!
