Sunday, July 29, 2012

Courtyard Fence is Complete

Well after months of negotiations, weeks of cleaning up the sewage and filth, building a new fence and a drainage system, finally we can report that the fence and the drainage system is officially done at the Courtyard.

These past couple weeks we have had some serious rainfalls but praise God, the new drainage system seems to be working well with no flooding or negative impact to the neighbors. We will continue to monitor this as the soil continues to settle. At a later day we will need to add some sand on top of the soil but for now, the Courtyard can be used by the kids to run around and play safely.

Thank you to all of you who have supported us through your prayers and for the financial resources you have provided to make this possible. It truly was a team effort working with consultants,, construction workers, our Khmer staff here negotiating contracts, and a special thanks to Pastor Chantha who lives at The Sanctuary. His ongoing favor with the Sangkhat (Village chief) helped smooth out a lot of potential issues and challenges with the residents around the building such that, the Sangkhat has been very thankful and grateful to us for our desire to bless the community of Svay Pak.

The fence has been designed to include both a concrete wall as well as iron bars so that the residents can still look in and see the activities that are going on. We felt this was important to create an atmosphere of openness yet provide the necessary protection for the little ones who will no doubt be using this open area as their play ground. I can't help but think this community will get a bigger glimpse of what it means to see children be like children. It conveys a message that we and our partners believe that children do matter, they are vulnerable, they are valuable, they are gifts from God who need to be protected and treasured, they deserve to be able to play and laugh and be themselves like any other kid around the world without fear that they are going to be hurt.

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