Monday, May 21, 2012

Introducing our RAP Staff

Our RAP Staff (L to R)- Sophea (Home Advisor), Soklin (Counsellor), Nary (Operations Manager), Sereyrom (Social Worker), Sina (Home Advisor), Malak (Psychosocial Coordinator)

Today was another special day as the remaining 5 staff for our RAP (Ratanak Achievement Program) community home started today. Some of the staff were so eager to start they arrived at the office 45 minutes before the official office start time of 8:30am. Here in Cambodia, it seems to be the norm for people to arrive for interviews very early but I didn't know they also do it for their first day at work so another interesting insight.  I was in the midst of language lessons when the new staff arrived but thankfully, Nary our Operations Manager is usually in the office by 7:15am so she was able to host them while I was studying Khmer lessons with a new language teacher since my old language instructor is now a teacher in Svay Pak.

We created a Ratanak Orientation folder for each of our staff which includes info about questions most frequently asked about Ratanak International such as who we are as an organization, how we got started, what projects we have funded, how we operate and who are our partners.We also provided a staff training program/schedule which we affectionately called 'The Ratanak School'. It is a reflection of our desire to invest in our staff to empower and equip them with the necessary tools they need both on the technical level as well as to cultivate an atmosphere for them to deepen their spiritual journey with the Lord. Through all of we trust it will provide a good foundation for the staff and nurture a spirit of unity in the midst of their diverse skills and background.

Nary, Samnang, Sathya and Malak 

Next week, we plan on doing an individual devotion on each of the Ratanak Core values. Lois Cunningham one of our volunteers has helped put together different devotional on each of these values which I will share with the team. Following that, we will spend time praying over each one of them and in a sense commissioning them into their new roles.

Sophea, Sereyrom and Soklin

Today was a very relaxing day as we spent time learning about the organization and the team had some time to just bond  and get to know one another.  Following that, we had an opportunity to fellowship over lunch at one of the famous Khmer buffet restaurants known as Tonle Bassac!

Sophat (a translator we hired for today) and Sina
Lunch at Tonle Bassac

After lunch the girls and boys split up :-). Sathya our Financial Manager was off to do some business with Samnang while I drove the RAP staff to check out the RAP Home. It was great to get their feedback on different aspects of the home and we can see God's wisdom in having them start at a time when we are in the midst of the renovations. In many ways, it is an opportunity for them to take ownership of the creation of this home from the ground up as they share their views and decorate the rooms.

Our RAP Staff (L to R)- Sophea (Home Advisor), Soklin (Counselor), Nary (Operations Manager), Sereyrom (Social Worker), Sina (Home Advisor), Malak (Psychosocial Coordinator)
Front Row: Samnang (Driver), Sathya (Finance & Admin Manager)
Ratanak International - Entire Cambodia Team

Thank you to all of you who for months have joined us in prayer that God would bring us the people of His choosing. It is through your prayer partnership, that we have seen His hand of provision with staff who not only have worked previously with trafficking victims but who reflect His heart. As you think of our team, please continue to pray for them over these next two months as they spend time in an intensive training schedule. Pray that it will not just all be head knowledge but that each of the training modules would deepen their relationship with the Lord and equip them in greater measure to serve the young women who enter our program. For we believe that our great Shepherd of the sheep will equip them with everything good for doing His will, and as He works in them what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Hebrews 13:20-21.

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