Saturday, March 17, 2012

I Will Never Let You Go!

Before I came to Cambodia last summer, one of our worship leaders Michelle Lorimer at my home church in Canada Rexdale Alliance wrote a song called ''I Will Never Let You Go''. This morning as I was listening to a bunch of worship songs, this one came on and I sat again thinking of the words and thinking of Cambodia and the many people and children who have been through much suffering, hardship and pain. As I was reflecting on the lyrics, I thought of:

Those who are in pain
Those who are suffering
Those who are enduring hardship
Those who feel forgotten
Those who feel forsaken
Those who feel abandoned
Those who feel rejected
Those who feel overlooked
Those who do not feel they belong
They who feel hopeless
Those who feel lost
Those who  feel enslaved and entrapped
Those who feel helpless
Those who have no voice
Those who are hidden to the world but visible to God
Those who are crushed in spirit
Those who are bowed down
Those who feel disconnected
Those who feel disowned
Those who feel lonely
Those who feel unworthy
Those who feel unloved
Those who feel vulnerable
Those who feel ashamed
Those who feel broken

I Will Never Let You Go

I Will Never Let You Go (By: Michelle Lorimer)

God says to you: I have not abandoned you, I have not left you for lost, I will make a way for you through the pain and the cost. Do not be afraid My child, I have called you My own for I've prepared a place for you and each day, I am leading you home.  I have loved you with an endless love, I will never let you go. Oh My children hear my voice and live, I will never let you go.

This is my prayer for that little 7 year old girl that I wrote in the previous blog post. I found out that she miraculously survived that brutal assault and is no longer in a coma. Her mother is now in contact with certain NGOs for help. Praise God! I pray that the words of this song will one day be life for her soul that she will one day know the One who knows her by name, the One who has loved her with an everlasting love, the One who has seen her suffering, the One who has heard her cries, the One who understands her trauma and the One who will demonstrate His miraculous healing touch over her body, her mind, her soul so that she will one day testify of His resurrection and His redemptive power! With God all things are possible! May it be as you have said Lord!

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