After a hectic week it has been great today to have a slightly more relaxing day allowing the team time to reflect and catch up a little. This morning we headed off to Bloom Vocational Training Centre and Café to meet with Ruth, Murray & Tanya from Australia. Carrying the strap line ‘Too beautiful to eat too delicious to resist’ Bloom rightly describes itself as an oasis in the middle of Phnom Penh. Here 32 girls take lessons and have qualified in a variety of hospitality and catering subjects – including cake making and decorating. The cakes meet the description and are totally breath taking –tasting pretty good too! The final pieces made for the exams are on display and are extravagant in their design together with a cabinet of simply amazing cupcakes. These cakes are sold to a largely local clientele and through the café for a variety of occasions and have attracted media coverage around the globe.
The centre has only been operating since January 2010 and has clients from the Prime Minister down. Capable of making and decorating cakes of up to 7 tiers this centre is a hive of industry. As you know Tim & Debs are here as part of their honeymoon and to celebrate their marriage we had a cake made!
As I have thought more on the day and the opulence of these cakes I reflected on the character of God. The exceeding abundance with which he loves us, cares for us and desires to live our lives to the fullest measure are reflected in the magnificent creations which exceed anything you could imagine. We should be eternally thankful that we serve a God who wants to bless us to excess and lavish himself on us for no other reason than he can do it.
Tomorrow we head to Daughters and the visitor centre which was the first project we funded from the UK. It’s likely to be more cake I’m afraid…!
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