The main Post Office in Phnom Penh
Today was another amazing day of progress getting a post office box for our Ratanak office and finally having an address that can be officially used for our operations here. If I seem so excited and enthusiastic about such simple little activities its only because one learns to appreciate small accomplishments when you are like a fish out of water. Living in a new place, learning a new language, discovering a new culture, figuring out the basic functions of how to do work and operate here is an ongoing educational process. Living with uncertainty is a norm but with each baby step, there is a sense of 'normality'.
Now of course one would think that now we have a P.O Box that you can mail anything you want to us. Not so! The postal service is not very consistent over here. I heard a story a few weeks ago that someone had sent a care package in the mail for their friends. The package arrived 8 months later despite the fact it was suppose to be a Christmas gift for the previous year. The question though was whether all the contents were still in the package. We're not sure but there is no guarantees. From what I am told, its okay to send regular letters or statements but beyond that, there is a high probability that any package from overseas may not arrive or if it does, it may not contain the items that were shipped. Things seem to disappear when in transit! So the moral of this story, don't send anything valuable! It may not arrive! But on the positive side, at least we've got a mail box!
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