Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pastor Chantha's Video Prayer request

Today we have just posted a new video prayer request from The Sanctuary in Svay Pak on the Ratanak Facebook page. Here's the link for anyone who would like to hear Pastor Chantha share the prayer requests that he has for Svay Pak


  1. I am thanking God for the internet and the technology that allows us to see and hear Pastor Chantha in person, and for the truth that when two or three of us gather in Christ's name, even if the gathering is via a computer screen, He is there with us. Jesus, You are Lord of space and time! Distance and time zones are no obstacles for You.

    I thank You for the amazing work that You are doing through the Svay Pak school and I pray that each child would develop to their utmost in intellect, heart and spirit and receive everything they need to become who You have made them to be.

    I pray for the recent arrest of Paulie's father, that justice would be done and that it would be a turning point for this family and for the neighbourhood.

    I pray for God's provision for the ministries in Svay Pak, that the people would have what they need and would acknowledge that it all comes from God, for it is He who gives us the ability to produce wealth.

    I pray for a holiday next month for Pastor Chantha and Buntan, that they may relax into the Lord's rest and be refreshed and renewed and that the Lord will be their rear guard and ensure security will be maintained.

    In Jesus' name, Amen.
