Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Septuagenarian Retrospective Reflection

Here I am back in Vancouver after having the privilege of being on Team 1. Suffering from jet-lag and having read some of the latest Blogs I was overwhelmed by emotion and bawled. I lost it just once while I was there but now I’m home the well gushes.
This was my first mission trip and it will have an indelible impact for the rest of my life. While I was there I wanted to blog but when the blogging time arrived I was long “out of steam” and the younger of the team were doing such a superb job (particularly Karol) that I never got round to it, therefore this reflection from the “long in the tooth.”
The work of painting at the Sanctuary was tough and rigorous for me. However, we all worked hard and the work progressed and seemed to proceed at a miraculous pace with the Lord’s help. The delicious lunches always revived the flagging body.
Pastor Chantah was always amazing, his radiance reflecting the beauty of Christ. Listening to his message on Sunday morning, unable to understand the words, but sensing the moving of the Spirit and watching the faces of his congregation as they soaked in the message. Looking forward into the future, when the meetings will be in the Sanctuary, one can foresee the anticipated growth and impact that the gospel message will have on Svey Pak, and Cambodia in general. For that we truly give thanks. Truly the Sanctuary will be a beacon on light, a lighthouse in a dark world.
Thank you Pastor Chantrah, Brian, Don & Bridget, Ratanak, and all the other labourers, for your work for the Lord and what you have taught us. I have been so very proud to be part of Team 1 and I have so much appreciated every team member. I can never be the same again after the two weeks work at Svey Pak. We continue the pray for the work in Svey Pak and for Team 2 as they continue the work.
This is Passion Week – ending on Good Friday, when “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” Amazing and so wonderful, the grace of substitutionary atonement!
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil...”

Praise the Lord, for He is good, and His steadfast love endures forever.
Graham Meakins

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